
struct caterva_array_t

A multidimensional array of data that can be compressed data.


General parameters

struct caterva_params_t

General parameters needed for the creation of a caterva array.

Public Members

uint8_t itemsize

The size of each item of the array.

int64_t shape[CATERVA_MAX_DIM]

The array shape.

uint8_t ndim

The array dimensions.

Storage parameters

struct caterva_storage_t

Storage parameters needed for the creation of a caterva array.

Public Members

caterva_storage_backend_t backend

The backend storage.

caterva_storage_properties_t properties

The specific properties for the selected backend.

enum caterva_storage_backend_t

The backends available to store the data of the caterva array.



Indicates that the data is stored using a Blosc super-chunk.


Indicates that the data is stored using a plain buffer.

union caterva_storage_properties_t
#include <caterva.h>

The storage properties for an array.

Public Members

caterva_storage_properties_blosc_t blosc

The storage properties when the array is backed by a Blosc super-chunk.

caterva_storage_properties_plainbuffer_t plainbuffer

The storage properties when the array is backed by a plain buffer.

struct caterva_storage_properties_blosc_t

The storage properties for an array backed by a Blosc super-chunk.

Public Members

int32_t chunkshape[CATERVA_MAX_DIM]

The shape of each chunk of Blosc.

int32_t blockshape[CATERVA_MAX_DIM]

The shape of each block of Blosc.

bool sequencial

Flag to indicate if the super-chunk is stored sequentially or sparsely.

char *urlpath

The super-chunk name.

If urlpath is not NULL, the super-chunk will be stored on disk.

caterva_metalayer_t metalayers[CATERVA_MAX_METALAYERS]

List with the metalayers desired.

int32_t nmetalayers

The number of metalayers.

struct caterva_metalayer_t

The metalayer data needed to store it on an array.

Public Members

char *name

The name of the metalayer.

uint8_t *sdata

The serialized data to store.

int32_t size

The size of the serialized data.

struct caterva_storage_properties_plainbuffer_t

The storage properties that have a caterva array backed by a plain buffer.

Public Members

char *urlpath

The plain buffer name.

If urlpath is not NULL, the plain buffer will be stored on disk. (Not implemented yet).


Fast constructors

int caterva_empty(caterva_ctx_t *ctx, caterva_params_t *params, caterva_storage_t *storage, caterva_array_t **array)

Create an empty array.

  • ctx – The caterva context to be used.

  • params – The general params of the array desired.

  • storage – The storage params of the array desired.

  • array – The memory pointer where the array will be created.


An error code.

int caterva_zeros(caterva_ctx_t *ctx, caterva_params_t *params, caterva_storage_t *storage, caterva_array_t **array)

Create an array, with zero being used as the default value for uninitialized portions of the array.

  • ctx – The caterva context to be used.

  • params – The general params of the array.

  • storage – The storage params of the array.

  • array – The memory pointer where the array will be created.


An error code.

int caterva_full(caterva_ctx_t *ctx, caterva_params_t *params, caterva_storage_t *storage, void *fill_value, caterva_array_t **array)

Create an array, with fill_value being used as the default value for uninitialized portions of the array.

  • ctx – The caterva context to be used.

  • params – The general params of the array.

  • storage – The storage params of the array.

  • fill_value – Default value for uninitialized portions of the array.

  • array – The memory pointer where the array will be created.


An error code.

From/To buffer

int caterva_from_buffer(caterva_ctx_t *ctx, void *buffer, int64_t buffersize, caterva_params_t *params, caterva_storage_t *storage, caterva_array_t **array)

Create a caterva array from the data stored in a buffer.

  • ctx – The caterva context to be used.

  • buffer – The buffer where source data is stored.

  • buffersize – The size (in bytes) of the buffer.

  • params – The general params of the array desired.

  • storage – The storage params of the array desired.

  • array – The memory pointer where the array will be created.


An error code.

int caterva_to_buffer(caterva_ctx_t *ctx, caterva_array_t *array, void *buffer, int64_t buffersize)

Extract the data into a C buffer from a caterva array.

  • ctx – The caterva context to be used.

  • array – The caterva array.

  • buffer – The buffer where the data will be stored.

  • buffersize – Size (in bytes) of the buffer.


An error code.

From/To file

int caterva_open(caterva_ctx_t *ctx, const char *urlpath, caterva_array_t **array)

Read a caterva array from disk.

  • ctx – The caterva context to be used.

  • urlpath – The urlpath of the caterva array on disk.

  • array – The memory pointer where the array will be created.


An error code.

int caterva_save(caterva_ctx_t *ctx, caterva_array_t *array, char *urlpath)

Save caterva array into a specific urlpath.

  • ctx – The context to be used.

  • array – The array to be saved.

  • urlpath – The urlpath where the array will be stored.


An error code.

From Blosc object

int caterva_from_schunk(caterva_ctx_t *ctx, blosc2_schunk *schunk, caterva_array_t **array)

Create a caterva array from a super-chunk.

It can only be used if the array is backed by a blosc super-chunk.

  • ctx – The caterva context to be used.

  • schunk – The blosc super-chunk where the caterva array is stored.

  • array – The memory pointer where the array will be created.


An error code.

int caterva_from_serial_schunk(caterva_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *serial_schunk, int64_t len, caterva_array_t **array)

Create a caterva array from a serialized super-chunk.

It can only be used if the array is backed by a blosc super-chunk.

  • ctx – The caterva context to be used.

  • serial_schunk – The serialized super-chunk where the caterva array is stored.

  • len – The size (in bytes) of the serialized super-chunk.

  • array – The memory pointer where the array will be created.


An error code.


int caterva_copy(caterva_ctx_t *ctx, caterva_array_t *src, caterva_storage_t *storage, caterva_array_t **array)

Make a copy of the array data.

The copy is done into a new caterva array.

  • ctx – The caterva context to be used.

  • src – The array from which data is copied.

  • storage – The storage params of the array desired.

  • array – The memory pointer where the array will be created.


An error code


int caterva_get_slice_buffer(caterva_ctx_t *ctx, caterva_array_t *array, int64_t *start, int64_t *stop, void *buffer, int64_t *buffershape, int64_t buffersize)

Get a slice from an array and store it into a C buffer.

  • ctx – The caterva context to be used.

  • array – The array from which the slice will be extracted.

  • start – The coordinates where the slice will begin.

  • stop – The coordinates where the slice will end.

  • buffershape – The shape of the buffer.

  • buffer – The buffer where the data will be stored.

  • buffersize – The size (in bytes) of the buffer.


An error code.

int caterva_set_slice_buffer(caterva_ctx_t *ctx, void *buffer, int64_t *buffershape, int64_t buffersize, int64_t *start, int64_t *stop, caterva_array_t *array)

Set a slice into a caterva array from a C buffer.

  • ctx – The caterva context to be used.

  • buffer – The buffer where the slice data is.

  • buffersize – The size (in bytes) of the buffer.

  • start – The coordinates where the slice will begin.

  • stop – The coordinates where the slice will end.

  • buffershape – The shape of the buffer.

  • array – The caterva array where the slice will be set


An error code.

int caterva_get_slice(caterva_ctx_t *ctx, caterva_array_t *src, int64_t *start, int64_t *stop, caterva_storage_t *storage, caterva_array_t **array)

Get a slice from an array and store it into a new array.

  • ctx – The caterva context to be used.

  • src – The array from which the slice will be extracted

  • start – The coordinates where the slice will begin.

  • stop – The coordinates where the slice will end.

  • storage – The storage params of the array desired.

  • array – The memory pointer where the array will be created.


An error code.

int caterva_squeeze(caterva_ctx_t *ctx, caterva_array_t *array)

Squeeze a caterva array.

This function remove single-dimensional entries from the shape of a caterva array.

  • ctx – The caterva context to be used.

  • array – The caterva array.


An error code


int caterva_free(caterva_ctx_t *ctx, caterva_array_t **array)

Free an array.

  • ctx – The caterva context to be used.

  • array – The memory pointer where the array is placed.


An error code.

int caterva_remove(caterva_ctx_t *ctx, char *urlpath)

Remove a Caterva file from the file system.

Both backends are supported.

  • ctx – The caterva context to be used.

  • urlpath – The urlpath of the array to be removed.


An error code